Wednesday, September 19, 2012

An Update, Worry and Corrie Ten Boom

Just an update friends.....

Life continues to be hectic in many ways.    It's a good thing I'm older and have a few life experiences behind me as I don't think I could handle it all if I were younger!   (Guess that's a benefit of nearing that mid-century mark!)   I have been able to reschedule my visual field exam and eye appointment until late next week - in hopes things will be a bit calmer by then.    Stress is never good for glaucoma and ICE - or general health for that matter - but I do think that my eye has been able to handle the chaos pretty well.   I'll find out next week. 

In the meantime, another great quote popped up in my inbox the other day.... 


 Love it!  and Oh so true! 

If you're not familiar with the quoter - Corrie Ten Boom - web search her name and you'll learn of the amazing person she was - what she endured, how she got through it, and how she allowed the experience to change her life and the lives of others.   I remember her in the 1970's and the movie about her experience ... "The Hiding Place".   What a wonderful lady and an eye-opening movie.   Given her circumstances, she knew that there was a plan for her to make a difference in the world and that is exactly what she set out to do.   She CHOSE her response to what had been dealt to her.  

May we all have the strength to know there is a plan for us and to respond to our circumstances in a way that will make a difference in others' lives. 

May your day be filled with PEACE and JOY!  

Friday, September 7, 2012

Tough Times Don't Last - Tough People Do!

I have been struggling for several days with what to write in my “next post”.    You see, life continues and the unexpected happens.   This represents my past couple of weeks.   Yesterday, as I waited during my son’s soccer practice, I tried to write – but the words just wouldn’t come.   And  then back on the road in the car to take my son to his next appointment – the radio was on – and the answer was right there.  

Tough Times Don’t Last
Tough People Do

It’s a phrase I have known for years. But this time, the phrase came to me in song….a song by country music singer Trace Adkins.    It spoke to me – and was my answer to my post dilemma.  (You can listen to the song here if you'd like.) 

My past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of happenings.   The most devastating – an uncontrolled brush fire that swept through – destroyed - my family’s heritage farmstead.   No one lived there – no lives were lost – thank God.    But the physical loss and the emotional toll on my parents – in their 80's - has been rough.   Trying to be "steady" for my folks and dealing with my own emotions of memories of the farmstead - and of dreams lost - controlled me for days.    

My son and I "picking pears" on the farmstead several years ago.

Throw in the start of middle school for my son and all that entails – new routines, back-to-school night, fund raisers, homework.   Adjust to new schedules for soccer, baseball and basketball practices and games.   Add in the start of middle school Church “Confirmation” classes on Wednesday nights and continue on with some weekly medical appointments for my son.  Hear of two acquaintances that have passed away.  

To say I have been emotionally and physically overwhelmed and exhausted is an understatement.     I just now feel like I’m starting to emerge out of the fog.   You know why?    Tough Times Don’t Last – Tough People Do – and  I am tough!   My faith helps get me there. 

We all experience tough times – it’s part of life.   But it is up to us to know those tough times won’t last and it is up to us to choose to be tough.   I do think there is a time for us to feel  the sorrow – feel the loss - feel exhausted during the tough patches of life.   But we then must pull ourselves up by the bootstraps, stay strong and get moving again.   

For us ICErs, we know we are in this ICE thing for life.    So you may question that this “tough” disease is one “tough time” that will last.   BUT I challenge you to look at lCE just a bit differently.   Take it day by day - event by event.  There WILL be tough times – perhaps a high pressure reading, another surgery, a dull ache, more drops,  poor vision - you know the routine.   But through each of those tough times, CHOOSE to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, and know that you WILL get through it.  Adjust to a new normal if necessary.    Be tough and LIVE your life.

God bless!   All is well!