Friday, November 18, 2011

All Is Well

It has been three weeks since I posted.     Life has been busy, life has been hectic and life has been worrisome.   My ICE eye is holding its own - some days are better than others - definitely not perfect - but I don't need perfect and I have no complaints.   I'm still so thankful for the miracle received last month!    The timing could not have been better!    God sure knew what He was doing through it all.  

Between other family life things and home things, I have needed time to sort through, research and act on must-do activities.    I have worried, fretted and taken many deep breaths.    I wouldn't have been able to do much of this if I had to focus on my own surgery and recovery.    So thankful!   

Through everything these past few weeks, I have focused on three little words - ALL IS WELL.    I picked this up from one of the blogs I read - it was part of a larger essay about worry.   I wrote more detail down on a piece of paper and stuck it to my refrigerator .... it reads like this:    

"There is a way of living:  abandon all worries and abide in Christ - all is well.  The relief's in the release of everything into the hands of the God.  Isn't it all safer in His hands anyways?  Abandon and abide - all is well."  

Abandoning doesn't mean we just give up.   To me, it means we turn the worry over - and ask that we be led in a direction that is meant for us.    We still need to do our homework, we still need to see doctors, we still need to face the realities of life - but turn the worry over to God.   He has the plan anyway.   Just know that in the scheme of everything -