Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Might As Well Laugh

A couple of years ago, I bought a bag of ornaments at a church rummage sale and when I got home and sorted through the bag, I found the following charm ornament:

I became endeared to it and hung it off a cabinet handle that sits just above my computer.  I rarely notice it - except for today.  

Today I had my three week glaucoma tube shunt reposition surgery followup appointment.   I was surprised.   I told my husband just last night that I thought my eye pressure was going to be "17" - a normal, very good reading.    Wrong.    It was "25" - essentially the same pressure it has been for the past couple of months while we were waiting for the cornea transplant to calm down and to see if some meds could help bring the pressure down.    Frustrating!    But the good news is that my cornea was looking a little clearer - due to the tube no longer bothering the transplant.    So, some good news among the not-so-good news.   

Add to that, the tube on the lower nasal side & its patch graft is thinning.   And something is going to need to be done about that.    That's another discussion and post at some other time.  

So the action plan....adding one more medication drop daily and back to the doctor's office next week to see if there is a change.   In my gut, I know what this ultimately means - more surgery - it's just a matter of when.   My glaucoma specialist has a different procedure in mind and if and when it gets scheduled, I'll be sure to share it here.    

When I came home, I noticed that little charm hanging above my computer - MIGHT AS WELL LAUGH.   I know it is God's message to me today.    Being glum or worried is not going to help so what's the alternative?  How about a little laugh?   Which is exactly what I did.  It lightened my heart, it made me LIVE my day.   It was the response I CHOSE - and it felt great!

So remember

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