Saturday, January 28, 2012

More Glaucoma Surgery ?

The week has passed and the verdict is in  –  more glaucoma surgery!   This will be my tenth eye surgery.   You know, I accept it and am at peace with it.     What choice do any of us have when things don’t work out the way we’d like?   I know I have preached it before, but we choose our response.   

Sure, I would prefer to not have surgery  - but I know, in my heart, there is an overall master plan for my  life – one that I may not be fully privy too right now –  and somehow, this is a part of it.   

Now for the details.  The pressure did not go down with the 2 ½ week trial of an additional med.   In fact, it went up a couple of points.    After the exam, my doctor described some observed facts – but bottom line, the most easily accessed tube shunt will be repositioned, cleaned out, etc. and a new patch graft will be added.      My surgery will probably take place on February 13. 

While I know that my eye will always have issues , I do hope this will settle my eye pressure for a while and perhaps calm some of the other complications.   But also, if I look beyond myself, I hope through all of this …. my doctors can take their experience of working with my 'rare-diseased-eye' and use it to be able to help and treat some other ICE – glaucoma – corneal disease patient more effectively in the future.      I trust that they will do so, and for that, I feel that I am helping in some small way. 

Blessings and joy to you – LIVE TODAY!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you have to have more surgery. You've been through so much! But your positive attitude is inspiring!

