Saturday, January 14, 2012

ICE and Glaucoma

If you have read some of my previous posts, you know that I have had many battles with one of ICE's key symptoms - glaucoma.    I'm in another one of those battles right now.

On Tuesday, I had a follow up visit with my glaucoma specialist - and despite a new medication, my pressure in the right eye is still too high.   Fortunately, I got to buy myself another two weeks by trying one more medication to see if there is a chance it will work.    If not, another surgery is in my immediate horizon.  

Speaking of horizons, is there anything more peaceful and serene as the sun setting on the horizon reflecting its glorious light over water, like in the photo above?   Oops, I digress!

Back to topic.   Six of my nine eye surgeries have been glaucoma related.   I have three tube shunts and plates in my eyes to try to dissipate that fluid to keep the pressure low.    Why in the world won't these things work?     I'm guessing they get clogged with corneal debris....but then why can't they just be cleaned or lasered out?     I asked the glaucoma-fellow-in training....which led to a discussion between her and my specialist.   After getting examined by both doctors - it sounded like one of the tubes couldn't be found.   What happened to it?    At this point, who knows.  Nothing surprises me anymore!  

So I wait two more weeks - hoping and praying the aches and pains of this eye stay away, the tunnel of vision that I do have doesn't get any narrower and this new additional drug does its trick.   If not, I hope and pray my doctor researches and determines the best route to go.    

Honestly, I do fret - but I constantly remind myself to live in the now - to choose my response.   I look out my window right now and I see sunshine on a chilly day.    I am thankful.   It's not quite a sun setting over a lake or ocean - but I'll take it on a mid-January day in Kansas!    


  1. Deb, your spirit is inspirational.
    Thank you for the calming words.
    Even in Kansas, you are the peaceful eye in the midst of a hurricane.

  2. I aquired ice syndrome about 9 years ago, stopped taking my drops 5years ago, I need a corneal transplant,
